Informarsi per capire
Smart digital systems: implementation guide for improving workers’ safety and health
Mental health in agriculture: preventing and managing psychosocial risks for farmers and farm workers
Smart digital systems for improving workers’ safety and health. Preventing hand-arm vibration syndrome (Havs)
Mental health in the construction sector: preventing and managing psychosocial risks in the workplace
E. Donohoe et al., EU-OSHA Report, 14 novembre 2024
The EU Directive on platform work:improvements and remaining challengesrelated to occupational safety and health
Digital platform work: the benefits of platform cooperativism
Digital technologies at work and psychosocial risks: evidence and implications for occupational safety and health
Gli effetti sul mercato del lavoro dei problemi della salute mentale nei Paesi con redditi medio bassi nel recente studio dell’IZA
Paola de Vita
Artificial intelligence and education – A teacher-centred approach to safety and health
Securing safer, fairer conditions for platform workers: key regulatory and policy developments and challenges
Automation of cognitive and physical tasks in the health and social care sector: implications for safety and health
Supply chains’ role in promoting safety and health in construction and agriculture: the LIFT-OSH project
EU-OSHA, 20 giugno 2024
Occupational safety and health preventive services: the professionals’ perspective
Occupational cancer risk factors in Europe – Methodology of the Workers’ Exposure Survey
Norway’s approach in supporting occupational safety and health compliance: role of the labour inspectorate and prevention services
L’offerta formativa degli Istituti Tecnologici Superiori (ITS) in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Verso l’integrazione tra formazione, lavoro, innovazione
Filippo Fumarola
L’impatto dell’intelligenza artificiale sulla gestione dei lavoratori e sulla loro salute e sicurezza: i risultati di un recente studio dell’Agenzia Europea della salute e sicurezza
Monitoring and enhancing occupational safety and health in supply chains through sustainability assessment frameworks
Salute e sicurezza nel lavoro su piattaforma digitale nel settore dell’assistenza socio-sanitaria: alcuni spunti dal report EU-OSHA
Fulvio Cucchisi
Tweets by bollettinoADAPT
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