Informarsi per capire
Labour Market and Wage Developments in Europe – Annual review 2024
Education and Training Monitor 2024
The Working Times They Are A-Changing: Trends in Six EU countries (1992-2022)
Employment and Social Developments in Europe
Benchmarking the socio-economic performance of the EU Social Economy
2024 Pension adequacy report. Current and future income adequacy in old age in the EU
Proposal for a Council Recommendation on access to affordable high-quality long-term care
Communication on the European care strategy
Telework by region and the impact of COVID-19 pandemic: An occupational analysis
Annual report on intra-EU labour mobility – 2023
Algorithmic Management practices in regular workplaces: case studies in logisticsand healthcare
Micro-credentials: How can they bring value to apprenticeships?
Social Protection Committee – Annual Report 2023
Thematic Review 2023: Fair Transition Towards Climate Neutrality
Industry 5.0 and the Future of Work: making Europe the centre of gravity for future good-quality jobs
The platformisation of work
Politiche di conciliazione e (dis)eguaglianza di genere prima e dopo il Covid-19: alcune evidenze dal report UE
Chiara Altilio
Participation and employment in seven developing economies: an Age-Period-Cohort Analysis
Making access to social protection for workers and the self-employed more transparent through information and simplification
The European labour mobility steps
Tweets by bollettinoADAPT
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