labour market

Digitisation in the workplace

Legge 21 ottobre 2021, n. 147

OECD Employment Outlook 2021

OECD, 7 luglio 2021

Situations vacant: Online job adverts during the crisis and recovery

James Cockett, Tony Wilson, IES Briefing, 30 giugno 2021

Scars of youth non-employment and labour market conditions

Giulia Martina Tanzi, Banca d'Italia WP n. 1312/2020

Women and labour market equality: Has COVID-19 rolled back recent gains?

M. Bisello et al., Eurofound PB, 9 dicembre 2020

Labour market change. ERM report 2020: Restructuring across borders

J. Hurley et al., Eurofound, 10 novembre 2020

The role of labour market information in guiding educational and occupational choices

A.R. Hofer et al., OECD Education Working Papers n. 229/2020