
Part-time palaver

The Economist, 19 settembre 2015

Digital Taylorism

The Economist, 12 settembre 2015

The “Sharing Economy” is dead, and we killed it

Sarah Kessler (, 14 settembre 2015)

How smart, connected products are transforming companies

Michael E. PorterJames E. Heppelmann (Harvard Business Review, ottobre 2015)

“Poster sur Facebook, c’est travailler. Comment nous rémunérer ?”

Int. a A. Casilli di Jean-Christophe Féraud (Libération, 11 settembre 2015)

La négociation collective, le travail et l’emploi

Jean-Denis Combrexelle, 9 settembre 2015

Réformer le droit du travail

Gilbert Cette, Jacques Barthélémy (Terra Nova, Note 5/6, 2 settembre 2015)

Les accords de branche simplifieraient-ils la vie des entreprises?

Marie Théobald (Le Figaro, 3 settembre 2015)

Faut-il brûler le code du travail?

Le Monde, 2 settembre 2015

“Non au statu quo sur le code du travail”

Int. a L. Berger di Michel Noblecourt (Le Monde, 2 settembre 2015)

Rethinking Work

Barry Schwartz (The New York Times, 28 agosto 2015)

Companies Need an Option Between Contractor and Employee

Andrei Hagiu (Harvard Business Review, 21 agosto 2015)

A controversial work strategy started as far back as the Middle Ages

Douglas Rushkof (Business Insider, 31 agosto 2015)

Sir Bob Hepple obituary

Catherine Barnard, Simon Deakin (The Guardian, 26 agosto 2015)

Labor Board Ruling Eases Way for Fast-Food Unions’ Efforts

Noam Scheiber, Stephanie Strom (The New York Times, 27 agosto 2015)    

The Future of Work: Stagnation, Automation … Frustration

Steven Greenhouse (Pacific Standard, 27 agosto 2015)

Labor Board Ruling Eases Way for Fast-Food Unions’ Efforts

Noam Scheiber, Stephanie Strom (The New York Times, 27 agosto 2015)

Face au chômage, le droit français n’est pas dépourvu de solutions

Frédéric Sicard (Les, 28 agosto 2015)