To Prepare for Automation, Stay Curious and Don’t Stop Learning

Earlier this year, President Trump signed an executive order for the American AI Initiative,” to guide AI developments and investments in the following areas: research and development, ethical standards, automation, and international outreach. This initiative is indicative of the changing times, and how, as a country, the U.S. is learning to navigate the implications of AI. Leaders in the business world, specifically, are faced with the responsibility of equipping our employees with the skills necessary for paving long-lasting career paths, and the workforce must discover what will be expected as technology continues to disrupt the norm, and work as we know it.


As a global business leader, an AI optimist, and a father, I find myself asking: What will make a career sustainable in 2020 and beyond? Will the future of education rise to meet the demands of the future of work? I support the growing movement to build a nationwide, future-oriented workforce founded on sustainable careers — but for this goal to be achieved, there is more work that needs to be done…


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To Prepare for Automation, Stay Curious and Don’t Stop Learning