Informarsi per capire
Issues for Regulating Working Hours in the Post-Work-Style-Reform Era
2024 Shunto: The First Wage Increase Above 5% since 1991 with an Urgent Need to Spread the Trend to SMEs
Exploring the Current Situation and Issues of Labor Management Relations in Japan
The Digital Trade Union in China: A New Form of Workers’ Organization Targeting theNew Forms of Work
Japan Labour Issues
Employment and Job Resignation among Japanese
Japanese System of Vocational Education and Training in Historical Comparison: Focusing on the Role of Schools and Companies in the Formation ofVocational Competencies
Will the Japanese Long-Term Employment System Continue to be Maintained?
Post-Industrialization and Employment Fluidity: A Focus on Workers’ Careers
Japanese Wives’ Decisions on Co-Residence and Employment Choices upon Husbands’ Workplace Relocation (Tenkin)
Changes in Japanese Policies for Accepting Foreign Workers for the Purpose of Compensating for Labor Shortage
The Diffusion of Parental Leave for Fathers in Japanese Firms: Exploring Antecedents and Performance Outcomes
Worker Status of Platform Workers under the Labor Union Act
Employment Opportunities and Income Growth for China’s Migrant Workforce in the Post-Covid-19 Era
Gender Gaps in Skill Use: The Case of Japan
Japan Labor Issues
Promoting Employment of Older Workers and Adjustment of their Working Conditions at Japanese Firms
Changes in the Meaning of Work in Japan: A CrossNational Comparison between Developed Countries
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