Informarsi per capire
Challenging digital myths
Cities in transition. How vocational education and training can help cities become smarter and greener
Built to last: apprenticeship vision, purpose, and resilience in times of crisis
Cedefop – Annual report 2021
European policies for information and guidance with reference to the international mobility of young IVET learners
Strengthening skills systems in times of transition
Comparing vocational education and training qualifications
The future of vocational education and training in Europe – Volume 1
Organisational determinants of training
Apprenticeships for greener economies and societies
Vocational education and training as a life jacket
Spotlight on VET France
Cedefop, febbraio 2022
Championing the skills revolution
Relocation 2.0: tying adult refugee skills to labour market demand
The green employment and skills transformation
Digital transitions in lifelong guidance: rethinking careers practitioner professionalism
Vocational education and training in Slovenia
Enablers and disablers of cross-border long-term apprentice mobility
More perceptions: opinion survey on adult learning and continuing vocational education and training in Europe
Skillset and Match
Tweets by bollettinoADAPT
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