A New Europass Framework: helping people make their skills and qualifications more visible

Today, the Commission has adopted a proposal to revise the Europass Decision.

Europass is a suite of tools and services which support the transparency of skills and qualifications across the European Union.

With this revision, the Commission aims to simplify and modernise these tools for the digital age and to add a new feature using big data to map and anticipate labour market trends and skills needs.

Europe’s prosperity depends upon our most valuable asset – our people. In a fast-changing global economy, it is people’s skills which will be a motor for our competitiveness and growth. Europass is one of Europe’s most used and well-known skills resources.

Since it was established in 2005, more than 60 million Europass CVs have been created and hundreds of thousands of learners across the EU receive Diploma and Certificate Supplements every year which help to make their qualifications more readable and easily comparable abroad; backed-up with advice and support services on the ground in Member States.

The new Europass Framework will build upon this successful formula with easy to use tools to help people identify and communicate their skills and qualifications in all EU languages. These include:

-an improved online tool for creating CVs and skills profiles,

-free self-assessment tools to help you evaluate your skills,

-tailored information on learning opportunities across Europe,

-information and support to help you get your qualifications recognised,

-labour market intelligence about what skills are most in demand and where….


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A New Europass Framework: helping people make their skills and qualifications more visible
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