Apprenticeships: Who are they really for and is government funding benefiting those who need it most?

There’s been a lot of news about apprenticeships, not much of it good, although the award of Apprentice of the Year to Todd Scanlon, a young man with Down’s syndrome – given the need for greater inclusion in the programme, is worth celebrating. But, overall, the apprenticeship waters remain choppy. The number of starts again declined this quarter, with the drop being steepest for young people training at lower levels; the now defunct target looks unreachable. We could attribute this to the amount of change in the system – change takes time to bed in. But is that too easy and should we question whether we are positioning apprenticeships and secondly their government funding optimally? These two issues while connected, require separate consideration…


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Apprenticeships: Who are they really for and is government funding benefiting those who need it most?