Adapt - Associazione per gli Studi Internazionali e Comparati sul Diritto del lavoro e sulle Relazioni Industriali

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ELDERS – Elder employees in companies experiencing restructuring: stress and well-being



Adapt – Association for International and Comparative Studies in Labour Law and Industrial Relations (Italy)
Middlesex University (United Kingdom)
ESADE – Business school (Spain)
ibw – Institute for Research on Qualifications and Training of the Austrian Economy (Austria)
BAuA – Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (Germany)
FIOH – Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (Finland)


AGE, the European Older people’s Platform

Background and goals

The issue of restructuring is featuring the transitions of the European economies over the last decades and is even more important in the current economic scenario.
At the same time, due to demographic changes such as the aging population and the aging workforce, and along the lines of current policies aiming at fostering active citizenship, lifelong learning and quality of work, there is a need to focus on older workers, which are increasingly to be considered a key asset to European Competitiveness.
Older workers are more likely to be affected by restructuring processes and economic crisis, and these processes can be extremely stressful and affect their well-being.
The overall aim of ELDERS project is to address the consequences of restructuring and economic crisis in terms of stress and well-being for older workers, and to identify the proper measures with the aim of preventing, managing and mitigating such consequences.


  • international seminars;
  • national seminars;
  • impact multiplication and sustainability;
  • international conference.


  • desk research on different industrial relations systems and approaches to social dialogue in the countries of analysis (models for trade union involvement and employee participation, effectiveness of norms according to the different level of social dialogue);
  • elaboration of a questionnaire aiming to measure stress and well being of older workers and detect the most successful measures which could improve the conditions of older workers experiencing restructuring;
  • identification of good practices intended to prevent or treat the negative impact of restructuring on older workers’ health and well-being which are indicative of participatory and training techniques that are suitable for implementing preventive measures;
  • review of international training policies aiming at easing transitions of older employees; formulation of recommendations for policy makers, social partners and practitioners, with a specific focus on the preparation and accompanying measures for workers and managers experiencing changes in the event of restructuring;
  • dissemination of results, impact multiplication and awareness raising towards relevant stakeholders through the set up and implementation of a on-line permanent observatory dealing with health and safety at work and a newsletter, organisation of national seminars and a final conference.

Added value of the research

The project seeks to develop positive measures with the social partners that will help to reduce stress indicators for older workers and make a contribution to dealing with the employment prospects of older workers. The Project is innovative in isolating this potentially vulnerable group for further study and action. not many comprehensive research encompassing different areas of Europe has been carried out in this area.
Thanks to the triangulation between research, practice and policy-oriented activities, the ELDERS project will also add value to the work of the European Commission, national agencies and social partners in supporting evidence based policy making.

Final Report

Executive Summary

* Budget heading, Restructuring, well-being at work and financial participation.

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